The Hawk "Sport" Single Seat is the "Hot Rod" version of the standard Classic Single Seat. It was first developed to compete in the European World Air Games in 1999. This competition is held once every two years in different countries. In the last three competitions at the World Games, the Hawk Sport and it's owners have won First Place (two competitions in a row), Second Place, and a Third Place.
The Hawk Sport differs from a Classic in several ways. First, It has a double surface wing with a semi symmetrical airfoil instead of a flat bottomed one like the standard Classic. This is achieved by the addition of lower rib battens on the lower surface of the wing forming the airfoil. This allows the stall speed to remain the same but the top speed to increase. The wing struts are a fully streamlined aluminum extrusion, which doesn’t require the use of jury struts. This allows for less drag and more speed, or you can cruise at the same speed with a lower power setting. In addition, the gear legs have streamline fairings over the fiberglass gear legs for even more drag reduction. The Sport also incorporates a curved overhead and curved windshield as standard equipment. The curved overhead offers taller pilots an additional 3 " of headroom; enough for tall pilots with helmets. A fiberglass nose cone also reduces drag and offers a sleeker appearance. The Hawk Sport model has the same top speed as the standard single seat Hawk Arrow.